Javascript MVC Framework

Advantages And Disadvantages Of AJAX – You Know About Them

infographic of pros and cons of ajax with elements

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, popularly known as AJAX, is a dynamic web application development tool. that is easy to use and has a good interface. Just like each and everything has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, AJAX is no different. 

Therefore in this article, we have listed some of the important advantages and disadvantages of AJAX that one needs to be familiar with.

Advantages and Disadvantages Of Ajax

Some Advantages that make using AJAX worthwhile

Enhanced User Experience

Because it exchanges so little data with the servers, AJAX allows web pages to update serially rather than reloading the page after every change. This allows the programmer to update the web page’s parts without having to reload the entire page. Thus enhancing the browser’s productivity and delivering a user-friendly experience.

Increasing the Productivity

The AJAX library’s helper functions help improve efficiency and reduce conflict. The well-configured ASP.NET application has its own data access as well as a business layer. And, the application also includes a UI layer where the server-side operations are performed. Once these layers have been integrated into the system, only one additional AJAX-specific services layer is required. This additional layer results in a decrease in deployment costs and an increase in productivity.

Reducing Bandwidth and Increasing Speed

You can cut down on the network and bandwidth usage load with AJAX while retrieving only the required data. This gives a quicker interface and better response time. AJAX makes use of client-side scripting to communicate with the webserver to exchange data.

Multiple Compatibility

AJAX is compatible with most languages like ASP.NET, J2EE, PHP, etc. And also supports most Browsers like Internet Explorer 5.0 and up, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, etc.

Asynchronous Processing

Since asynchronous data retrieval can be done with ease using XmlHttpRequest, requests can be handled efficiently. Moreover, the dynamic loading of content takes the application’s performance to new heights.

Navigating Ease

Applications on AJAX can be built to transition easily from the web page to the user without using the backward and forward buttons used in the previous versions.

Reducing Server hits

Atlas is a framework that combines the Client-side JavaScript library, is accessible, and can be used with ASP.NET to develop applications in AJAX. It exposes Object-oriented APIs, which can be further used in developing a web application that leads to nominal server hit/ network load.

Some of the Disadvantages of AJAX that you need to be aware of

Security Threats

AJAX leads to an increment in the size of the code, which further leads to difficulty in debugging and severe security threats.

Incompatibility with Brower

Since it is based on JavaScript, a web page developed using AJAX cannot be accessed on a browser that doesn’t support JavaScript or has it disabled. The same goes for mobile phones.

Increment of load on the Web Server

Adding an auto-update option leads to an increase in the load on the server due to updates that take place every few seconds.


In the end, we can say that AJAX is one of the best options to use in web development for better user experience and for making websites run faster. You can contact us if you have any queries regarding web development or other IT services for your website.

Angular JS Vs JQuery – A Quick Comparison

Angular JS Vs JQuery - A Quick Comparison

Nowadays, front end web development is something that requires deployment of most advanced and feature rich technologies to bring out the best results. In this regard, Angular JS and jQuery techniques play an important role in creating and developing modern web applications.

Though some people who are new to front end web development ought to make a comparison between these two technologies on the basis of their functioning, but in reality, both are different in their own methodology and functioning. Let’s find out the difference in detail.


jQuery is succumbed with a wide variety of features. It provides the API that offers compatibility on all the browsers. It serves a proven methodology for manipulating the HTML documents. Not only this, even traversal of HTML pages can be done using this technique. jQuery is suited to create Animation tasks or event handling projects along with handling the requisites of Ajax which seems simple after the implications applied through jQuery. In simple terms, jQuery is mostly used to manipulate the content of the website pages.

Key salient features:

  • jQuery performs well in making the use of JavaScript simple.
  • It is fast and lightweight and carries the feature to make the UI more attractive by using attractive styling concepts.
  • It entails into easing out the complicated things like Ajax.
  • Its library is loaded with many additional features such as DOM manipulation, CSS manipulation, etc.
  • It functions well in making frequent changes in the website without posing any variation in the website structure.

Angular JS

Angular JS is defined as the JavaScript framework which when added to HTML documents, its directives turned it into rich HTML attributes. This technology carries the expressions which are further used to bind the data with the HTML files. In other words, it transforms the old HTML document into something holding new and exciting quality traits. In comparison to jQuery, Angular JS performs like a sophisticated layer that is used to add MVC concepts in the projects.

Key Salient Features:

  • Countering the activity in web applications, Angular JS is used to offers various interactive features like data binding.
  • It’s an open source framework that is used to assign MVC concepts on the projects.
  • It can also utilize jQuery to perform the DOM manipulation in its own processing. Further, it helps in converting the features into more interactive ones.
  • It carries the flexibility additive that helps in creating and developing some exciting web applications.
  • It also helps in initiating 2-way binding in the web applications.
  • It carries a fully fledged toolbox that is used to solve several programming queries and problems raised during the creation and development of web applications.
  • It is also used to incorporate the JavaScript with the help of a simple script tag on a website.

Use of jQuery and Angular JS:

Countering the use of both the technologies depend upon the nature of the application on which they are about to get applied. For example, complex applications will perform better when incorporated through Angular JS instead of jQuery. To counter the difference, it’s important to understand the separate usage entailed by both the technologies.

Angular JS is used for the robust and interactive web application development as it works on HTML code. On the contrary, jQuery is fast and highly interactive technique and is used to develop hardcore websites.

From the above discussion, it’s clear that both the technologies work on different parameters and no comparison can be done between them to analyze the superiority. No one among them can replace each other or even compete with each other.

Contact us if you have any query related to Angular Js and Jquery for your website development.

Why is AngularJS the Best Choice

Why is AngularJS the Best Choice

AngularJS is an open-source web application framework, that assists with creating single-page applications, one-page web applications that only require HTML, CSS, and JavaScript on the client side.

AngularJS is a JavaScript framework introduced by Google. It has been designed to simplify front end apps development. If you are an apps developer creating single Page Apps then you must have surely come across AngularJS. If you haven’t used it yet, then this article is a must-read for you as I will be discussing the benefits it provides.

Delivers a Great Structure for Your Application:

JavaScript has no well defined structure. Whilst it may function well for small apps, it is not appropriate for large scale applications. AngularJS lets you structure your source code through MVC (Model-View-Controller) or MVVM (Model-View-View model) pattern. AngularJS, a MVW framework, can help organize your code into modules. This enhances the testability and maintainability of your app.

Data Binding from Both Sides:

Data binding is one of the best functionalities offered by AngularJS. It becomes possible for you to bind your modules to HTML elements. With the change in the model, the view gets updated automatically and vice versa. This brings down the amount of boilerplate code usually written to sync the model and view.


Using AngularJS directives you can teach HTML new syntax. It lets you create reusable personalized components with the help of directive API. For instance, if you wish to create a custom date picker widget you can use a <data-picker/> component. If you wish to get a fancy file uploader using progress indicator you can create a <file-upload/>component.

Templating using HTML:

AngularJS utilize HTML for templating. This ensures simplicity and enables designers as well as programmers to work in sync. Designers can create UIs in the normal way and developers can use declarative binding syntax to bind different UI components using data models.

Embeddable, Injectable, and Testable:

AngularJS serves as an excellent team player. It doesn’t demand commitment. As per the official website of AngularJS- You can use as much or as little of AngularJS as you require. If you need a single feature of it, then you can do that.

AngularJS provides Dependency Injection. If you require something, then you may ask Angular to inject it. This enhances the testability levels as it becomes convenient to mock the components while testing. The main aim of creating AngularJS was testability. Unit testing becomes much easier with modules and dependency Injection system. Additionally, AngularJS offers Protractor,  which eases End-to-End testing. The code you write is testable as well as maintainable.

The above are not the only features which make AngularJS a programmer-friendly code; a number of other features such as routing, filters, and animations are make AngularJS quintessential.

Angular JS – Javascript MVC framework

Angular JS - Javascript MVC framework

AngularJS is an open-source web application framework, that assists with creating single-page applications, one-page web applications that only require HTML, CSS, and JavaScript on the client side. Its goal is to augment web applications with model–view–controller (MVC) capability, in an effort to make both development and testing easier.

Angular makes browsers smarter — without the use of extensions or plug-ins. It includes

  • How to use client-side data binding and dependency injection to build dynamic views of data that change immediately in response to user actions.
  • Angular creates listeners on your data without the need for DOM manipulation.
  • A better, easier way to test your web apps.
  • Angular services to make common web tasks, such as getting data into your app, easier.
  • Create a dynamic application that works in any browser.
  • Define the differences between Angular and common JavaScript frameworks.
  • data binding works in AngularJS.
  • Use the angular-seed project to quickly boot-strap your own projects.
  • Create and run tests.
  • Identify resources for learning more about AngularJS.

Core Concepts


In Angular applications, you move the job of filling page templates with data from the server to the client. The result is a system better structured for dynamic page updates. Below are the core features you’ll use.

Data binding

Data Binding in Classical Template Systems

Most templating systems bind data in only one direction: they merge template and model components together into a view. After the merge occurs, changes to the model or related sections of the view are NOT automatically reflected in the view. Worse, any changes that the user makes to the view are not reflected in the model. This means that the developer has to write code that constantly syncs the view with the model and the model with the view.

Data Binding in Angular Templat

Angular templates work differently. First the template (which is the uncompiled HTML along

with any additional markup or directives) is compiled on the browser. The compilation step produces a live view. Any changes to the view are immediately reflected in the model, and any changes in the model are propagated to the view. The model is the single-source-of-truth for the application state, greatly simplifying the programming model for the developer. You can think of the view as simply an instant projection of your model.

Because the view is just a projection of the model, the controller is completely separated from the view and unaware of it. This makes testing a snap because it is easy to test your controller in isolation without the view and the related DOM/browser dependency.


  • 1+2={{1+2}}
  • Output = 1+2 = 3


  • Creating Custom Directives


  • $route is used for deep-linking URLs to controllers and views (HTML partials). It watches $location.url()and tries to map the path to an existing route definition.


  • Filters are used to filter the data from view,
  • You can create your own filter also


  • Concepts of AngularJS Forms
  • Controls (input, select, textarea) are ways for a user to enter data. A Form is a collection of controls for the purpose of grouping related controls together.
  • Form and controls provide validation services, so that the user can be notified of invalid input. This provides a better user experience, because the user gets instant feedback on how to correct the error. Keep in mind that while client-side validation plays an important role in providing good user experience, it can easily be circumvented and thus can not be trusted. Server-side validation is still necessary for a secure application.

Application Structure

When to use directives, controllers or services

Angular JS is a very powerful front-end MVC framework. It also introduces many concepts that may be unfamiliar. A few of these are:

  • Directives
  • Controllers
  • Services

Dependency injection

Dependency Injection (DI) is a software design pattern that deals with how code gets hold of its dependencies.
The Angular injector subsystem is in charge of service instantiation, resolution of dependencies, and provision of dependencies to components as requested.


scope is an object that refers to the application model. It is an execution context for expressions. Scopes are arranged in hierarchical structure which mimic the DOM structure of the application. Scopes can watch expressions and propagate events.

Communicating with servers


The $http service is a core Angular service that facilitates communication with the remote HTTP servers via the browser’s XMLHttpRequest object or via JSONP.


A factory which creates a resource object that lets you interact with RESTful server-side data sources.
The returned resource object has action methods which provide high-level behaviors without the need to interact with the low level $httpservice.
Requires the ngResource module to be installed.

Other AngularJS Features

  • Animation:Core concepts, ngAnimate API, and Animation in AngularJS 1.2
  • Security: Strict Contextual Escaping, Content Security Policy, $sanitize, video
  • Internationalization and Localization: Angular Guide to i18n and l10n, date filter, currency filter, Creating multilingual support
  • Mobile: Touch events