It is really challenging to meet the demands of the client all at once, but certainly it is not impossible. Therefore before you are on board with the project, keep few things in mind. It is necessary, that the work should be done under the concern of an expert.
What are the tools and framework required by the PHP developer?
Tools required in the development of website are as follows
PHP Designer
It helps to improve the designing skills for developing the websites. It goes off with every framework, which makes it easy for the developer and itself start highlighting the code. Moreover, the best part is that it detects the syntax errors and enables to jump on declarations easily.
This is an important thing that you would certainly like to have. It is one of the best integrated environment that helps to build the website in an easy and hassle free way. Features like debugging, coding, testing and file management are additional features to it.
PHP Debugbar
It is an unmatched open source tool that helps to handles AJAX requests flawlessly. It has an easy to use interface and a client sidebar which is coded completely in Javascript.
Sublime Text
It helps you to provide the best IDE that you must have been looking for. This is a text editor that allows you to design extraordinary features with a few keystrokes. It helps to redesign or edit the website with letting the customization of menus too.
Plates PHP
This is the best tool if you are planning to provide templates to your website. It helps to recode along the designing of the template that makes it much easier to figure out the layout.
Few Frameworks
It enables high outcomes with little efforts. It is used friends and easy to get along with because of its clean intuitive API. It keeps on evolving and provides an architecture structure to the website.
This framework requires to be handled with experience. Features like RESTFUL routing, readable syntax, integrated unit testing and others makes it more enhancing and also valuable.
It is easy to configure and allows the flexible and free use of the PHP contents. It is reliable for long projects and eliminates the need of repeating the tasks.
This framework is composed in PHP 5, it is easy to use and cost effective. It is an open source framework that consists of MVC architecture and layered caching scheme. It also encourages developers to help completing their project sooner. It is best used with XSS, CSRF and cookie tampering.
With such tools and frameworks your website would rather be developed in the best way. Therefore, if you are a PHP developer then you must be definitely aware of the tools and if not then these will helps you to be an expert.
CakePHP is one of the most useful framework if you are the newest in the field of PHP development. It is available with all required features to develop totally unique web applications. You can easily use several plugins and components to extend this framework.