Conversion Rate Optimization or CRO is the term that is used to refer to the number of visitors to a site that are converted into customers.

What is CRO?

This can also refer to the minimal action of performing desired task on the webpage and not literally being converted into customers. All web designers have noticed at some point or the other small changes that they have made, bringing big differences in the CRO percentages, both positive and negative.

What are the methods that can help improve the CRO with changes in web design?

Few simple tweaks can result to make or break of a website. Here we list down three simple ways a web designer can ensure their website has a positive conversion rate:

Limiting the website to one Call-To-Action: We all have been on sites that majorly complicate their web design by adding too many CTA buttons. This confuses the visitor and instead of choosing the button, they prefer moving on to another website. This spells disaster for the owner of the business whose business is in question. A fine example of this simple change in design that resulted in a positive outcome is Whirlpool. They changed their web design from having 4 CTAs on their website to just one CTA and that increased their CRO by a whopping 42%.

Opting for the simpler Semi-Flat design: There should be clear demarcation on the site between texts and hyperlinks and between images and buttons that are CTAs. This can be fixed by the approach that is rooted in practicality and necessity. This approach is of a semi-flat design. In a semi flat design there are shadows and a density present on certain elements. This helps the visitor differentiate between what is a button and what is a simple image.

Speeding up the website: What irritates a visitor most about a website is the speed with which a webpage loads. Many visitors leave the website out of frustration and go on to the options that are much faster and thus they can complete their tasks easily and in lesser amount of time. The easiest solution to this major dilemma is using an easier, simpler code while designing the website. Most coders go for a complicated high level code, which tends to slow down the website. Using lesser animation and uploading images with lesser bytes should do the trick. One can make use of tools like Lazy Load which limits the images that load to the ones only visible on the users’ viewport. This in turn stops images that the user cannot see from weighing down the loading process. Loads of additional plug-ins can do the task while searching for a permanent fix.

Thus here we see that easy fixes can lead to better CROs and not always one has to pay through their teeth to get a job done.

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