Digital Marketing is one of the most upcoming businesses that is very lucrative yet highly demanding. Marketers are facing a lot of challenges as this business needs a detailed analysis of the data on a daily basis. And with such a busy life it is very hard to keep pace with everything simultaneously.
Well, this can be sorted out if your efforts are put in the right direction and things that actually affect the overall business are focused on efficiently without wasting much of your valuable time. There are certain tasks that marketers can perform in a week to revamp and hone their marketing skills and get the best marketing returns from their little efforts.
Landing Page Tests
Landing Page is a determining step for lead generation. How appealing the offer is, decides the conversion rate. A marketer can spend hours on making a landing page but if it is not enticing enough to the visitors, they may not end up becoming the leads.
Dedicating half an hour every week for this important activity can prove beneficial in turning your efforts into profits. Many landing page testing tools like PPC advisor, CrazyEgg, Unbounce, etc can be used to check the effectiveness of the page as well as for analyzing the data. One must pay attention to – Call-to-action, Imagery, proper phrasing of the offer to make it attractive, text, colors, and promotion types.
Experimenting with these checkpoints and incorporating it for promotions on other social media platform enhances the knowledge about customer choices and preferences.
Competitor Analysis
In the battlefield and don’t have any competitors? Not possible, right? Yes! Exactly!
Having a track of your competitors, account for a good business acumen and lets you stay ahead of them. You just need to invest half an hour in a week, for gathering information about the competitors. Marketers can work smartly by focusing on a particular area at a time. Backlinks tracking, social media, blogs, article are the ones to name a few. Competitive research lets generate a pattern that aids in determining your own strategy. Searching for the kind of posts gaining more views, likes, and shares, tracking the time of the day those posts are shared on social media, what kind of posts and content is being shared and the type of call to action used for generating leads gives you a strategic view of the competitors. Social media optimization is best possible through such pattern tracking activities that prove to be reliable and insightful.
Quickly analyze your reports on Google Analytics
Google analytics can be treated as the best friend of marketers. This very effective tool helps in analyzing the page performance, campaign performance, sales tracking, revenue generation and many more performance related metrics report. However, it may seem a lengthy and time taking task with a huge dashboard containing graphs, charts, and bars but a quick look at an analytics report can help you save time in future. Analysis of actions is a must, so that you focus on the right track, avoiding wastage of time put in a direction, which may not bring desired results.
Repurposing content for SMO
You must be thinking how repurposing can affect SMO? Ok, so let me ask you a question.
While scrolling down your Facebook page, have you ever come across a very catchy post that leads you to reading entire blog ?
That is the power of a content and the images that marketers strategically put in, to gather more visits on their page.
The sole purpose of Social Media Optimization is to engage the audience with the content and repurposing it can bring attention to Marketers website thus fulfilling their objectives. A well-written content speaks tons about a company and it’s the major deciding factor while tracking the performance of a campaign or offer you are running on various marketing platforms.
Repurposing of content comes into play when you are saddled with other marketing activities.
- A white paper can be turned into a piece of meaningful blog. Since blogs are easy to share and promote and can be easily written that give knowledge about the company or the industry, they make a good promotional tool.
- It can be transformed into a responsive content
- Turning the content into a Podcast is just another way to connect in the industry
- Infographic is the best option that can appeal the audience as people respond better to visual content.
- The content can also be transformed into an e-book
Social Media Optimization and content marketing are the two phases of the same coin. If the content is attractive, it fulfills the goals that SMO aims to achieve.
Digital marketing makes the best playground for marketers to showcase their prowess and ability to elevate small businesses to high grounds. All it needs is a committed effort and a strategized approach!