As mobile app development is becoming a trend among the businesses, increasingly the entrepreneurs are looking for the best mobile application development company.
A few countries tend to outsource the project because of the lack of talent, expertise, time, and experience, and due to the desire to find cheap resources.
But, the experience of outsourcing the projects to mobile app developers abroad is different. Some entrepreneurs admire the offshore mobile application development while other entrepreneurs’ feathers get ruffle up because of the poor experience.
It signifies one cannot say straight that procuring mobile app developers from other countries is worth rewarding or a waste of efforts, time and money investment. Outsourcing has its own pros and cons.
Consider these points to decide should you outsource the app development or not:
1) Dissimilar Time zone
It’s possible that businesses are outsourcing the project to the mobile application development company that may have different time zone. Here, the communication is the biggest problem where either business will not remain updated about the project status or one out of the two has to wake up in the early morning or late night for the discussion.
The fix to the problem is hiring the mobile app developers whose time zone nearly matches with the entrepreneur’s time zone. Also, some of the companies hire the project manager from the countries whose time zone match with the businesses.
2) Language constraint
Language is the main source of communication and to keep the both parties sync, it’s all imperative. If the language difference exists, it becomes arduous to make developers understand the requirement and know how they have applied the things in reality.
In the beginning, it’s essential to identify whether the complete team has required language qualifications or not, otherwise, the outsourcing plan would backfire you.
3) Cultural difference
Although the app development is completely a professional thing, but the mobile app idea that’s targeting the audience of a particular nation require the sense of a local being to better shape the mobile app into the reality that’s welcomed by the users of that region. That’s where hiring the mobile app developers from the company that resides in the same nation is good to go.
On the other hand, if the app is to build for the global audience, then teaming up with the app development company of other nation will not be a risk.
4) Development costs
Pricing models have become the major reason to outsource the project to the nations where the resources are available at low rates. It’s good to consider the companies that are agreeing to develop your app at low cost, but make sure whether they have optimum skills and experience in the type of the app development you want.
On more thing, the additional taxes should not be overlooked as some nations charge quite high and it may prove to be expensive to hire offshore developers. Check everything before you zero in the choice to any.
5) Quality control
Every company claim to have the experience of developing the great apps and they showcase the same over portfolio section. But, assessing the type of work they have done like- code quality seems implausible.
Instead, the company should hire a local consultant who will evaluate the back end of the projects and take the technical interview of the development team, which ease the analyzing whether they will be a good fit or not.
What suits you the best?
Finally, you have the advantages and the downsides of outsourcing overseas in front of you. Weigh up both the aspects catering your needs and the services you will get. It’s your decision, whether you like to place the bet over outsourcing the app development abroad or not. Just ensure the company’s geographic region won’t impact the quality and the result you will get at the end.