Nobody can deny that SEO is ever changing; SEO professionals have to try out various tactics to rank their website higher.
Link building is one of the sought after strategy for all of them. In fact, a study shows that over 72% believes building strong link building can help ranking to go up considerably. Many companies opt for organic SEO Services or a good SEO Service provider, to get this tricky business done.
Some of you may be new to the term link building or backlinking it can simply be defined as a number of inbound link to your blog or website. The more the backlinks the more will be the ranking. The importance of link building remains to be unchanged, yet the way link building will be approached by SEO in 2018 will be different than last few years.
1. Strong attack on PBN sites
Private Blog network (PBN) is a mean of driving backlinks to the website without leaving any footprints. Google punishes PBN sites most of the times and lately they strengthen the algorithm to identify PBN sites. It is recommended to stay away from PBN as Google may penalize you and would ultimately result in a poor ranking of your website.
2. Link profile will be a priority
Make sure your backlinks are as per the keyword strategy. Google algorithm is getting stronger to cater to a user query and provide precise results. So your backlinks and your website should be of the same category. If your website is of IT services and your backlink is from a relationship blog then it’s a major disconnect and Google algorithm will affect your ranking big time. Use Ahref to find quality backlinks and focus on URL rating distribution.
3. Influencer marketing gains more importance
Connecting to influencers and networking with bloggers and social media influencers is a key to flourish brands. Influencers help to generate awareness among people about the latest launches, reviews and sponsored posts.
Influencer marketing will of the key focus of link building in 2018. Influencers already have huge connect and their popularity helps a website gain genuine and assured backlinks.
4. Genuine content without a sales pitch
Having quality content has always been a greatest and an easier way to drive more audience. Lately, people have been writing 2-3 posts a day which hardly derives any value to the reader and moreover, it tries to sell something or the other. Genuine and useful content will provide information to audiences and they would prefer coming back again and again and refer the website to others as well.
5. Focus on relevance and categorization
Google is focusing more and more one showing the relevant and useful result to the user’s search. Hence recognizing and putting things under right category becomes important. SEO Professional’s and SEO Service providers should understand the client’s product or their services to put precise and specific categorization. It is recommended to look out for target audience searches and setting up a strategy around it. Also always look for including niche keywords in the strategy rather than complicated and super targeted words. There will be very few highly targeted words that can bring traffic. Always remember users do not put specific queries on search, their words are very basic and hence the job of SEO becomes tough.
Wrapping it up
SEO link building is evolving and will continue to progress as 2018 passes. A links job is to dictate to search engine that your site is relevant and will provide value and thus must reach to higher audiences. Yet even the best SEO Service provider may face issues in getting backlinks working all the time, the source which earlier seemed reliable may end up being a spam and would require the SEO professional to rework his strategy. Reworking and strategizing is a major job role in organic SEO Services. Focusing on deriving value to customers with good content will bring greater benefit to the website. This will not only help in brand recognition but will also ensure your efforts are paid off well. A good content along with an organized and strategized link building will be a key factor to rank better.